On the June 11th the Spanish government approved the law of Spanish Nationality for descendants of Sephardic Jews expelled from Spain in 1492

On the June 11th the Spanish government approved the law of Spanish Nationality for descendants of Sephardic Jews expelled from Spain in 1492

On the June 11th the Spanish government approved the law of Spanish Nationality for descendants of Sephardic Jews expelled from Spain in 1492. That law permits to obtain the Spanish nationality, without giving up the current citizenship or be required to move to Spain.

Applicants will have to prove having Sephardic origins by different kinds of personal documents as for presenting certificates from the Federation of the Jewish Communities in Spain, rabbis or Jewish community leaders. Family names that can be proved being originally of Spanish Sephardic or knowledge in Ladino o Haketia are also part of the evidence that will be considered globally.

Other documents that can prove special relation with Spain such as certificate of official studies of Spanish history / culture, Ladino o Haketia studies or any Philanthropic, economic or cultural activity relates with Spain or Sephardic heritage, will be also considered.

Candidates will have to go through exams of basic level of Spanish language and Spanish culture, organized by the Cervantes Institute.

All the information will be evaluated by a Spanish notary. Those who have a positive pre-evaluation will have to travel to Spain to appear before the notary. Complete applications will be decided upon in 12 months (maximum) from first evaluation.

The law will go into effect on 1st October 2015 and interested will have three year period to apply ( 1 extra year upon Government decision).

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